This article will guide you through the process of a personal data deletion request (GDPR). You will learn how you can request your data to be deleted, and what to expect.
A fundamental principle of data privacy and security is that information that is not necessary for the business should not be kept. This principle is known as data minimization, and it is meant to protect against unnecessary and disproportionate harm in the event of a security breach. The most common method used to minimize data is to enact and enforce data retention and data deletion policies across an organization.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives individuals the right to ask for their data to be deleted and organizations do have an obligation to do so, except in the following cases:
- the personal data your company/organization holds is needed to exercise the right of freedom of expression;
- there is a legal obligation to keep that data;
- for reasons of public interest (for example public health, scientific, statistical, or historical research purposes).
If your company/organization processed data unlawfully it must delete it. In the case of an individual, data collected when they were still a minor must be deleted.
With regard to the right to be forgotten online, organizations are expected to take reasonable steps (for example technical measures) to inform other websites that a particular individual has requested the erasure of their personal data.
Data can also be kept if it has undergone an appropriate process of anonymization.
How to make a data deletion Request
To have your data deleted from our servers, please open a request to The request needs to contain the following details:
- Email Address
- Account Type (LeadDyno Merchant/Customer or an affiliate)
- First & Last Name
- If you're an affiliate, please specify the main account holder's email address/affiliate website URL