In this article
About Leads Management
The Leads area of LeadDyno gives you a critical view of how your affiliate program contributes to bringing in new leads to your website/store. We start by presenting an Affiliate Only toggle - so you can see how many tracked leads are referred by affiliates (Affiliate), how many came to your website through a campaign (Campaign), and how many came to your website directly (Direct). From there, you can now see trends and compare sources and dig into the details you need to make business decisions. We'll take you through the specifics below.
Viewing Leads
You can find your leads in the Reporting tab, under the Leads section.
At the top of the screen, you're presented with a date range and an Affiliate-Only toggle. Set a date range to view all of your leads, Affiliate Leads, Direct Leads, and Campaign Leads for the selected date range. See how it compares to the past range, and how your different sources contribute to your bottom line. Hover over the pie chart to see more details. The date range will be applied to all aspects of the screen including if you generate an export.
The new “Affiliate Only” toggle gives you a chance to look at only leads that were referred directly from your affiliate program. Toggle it off and you can see the full picture of your leads across all sources. Now more than ever you can truly see the impact your affiliate program is making on your leads numbers.
The top view on the Leads screen shows you a visual of how your sources are contributing to your overall leads numbers. Your sources include your affiliates, any campaigns you have set up, and "direct" which includes people that have accessed your website directly, without being referred by an affiliate or through a campaign. You can see how the current date range compares to the previous one by noting the small numbers in either green (an improvement) or red (trailing where you were in the same previous date range).
There's also a trending graph that gives you a quick glance at how things are progressing. Here, you can view overall leads numbers vs affiliate leads numbers.
The All Leads table provides you with the details regarding each individual leads that was tracked. You can sort columns or search for specific emails/sources.
To view the full leads details for a specific lead, click on the email address of that lead, and you will be taken to a screen that shows that lead's full details, along with editing capabilities.
Exporting Leads
You can export leads data into a spreadsheet by clicking the Export to CSV button. Any selections you've made on the screen (i.e. Affiliates Only toggle, selecting a specific leads source or date range) will be pre-selected for your export. You can update your export criteria from the export window.
Please note that besides Unlimited plans, for all the rest, the data is available for up to 18 months.